Playing the ‘Personality Game’ Can Ruin You Inside

Community based care providers can tell you stories shared among one another about occasions when they prepared for an initial or renewal licensing inspection by a regulator.  It is not unusual to hear, “oh my he’s tough”, “oh my she’s unfair”, “oh my he’s difficult”.  Pretty soon well-meaning, highly competent providers of community based care […]

Families Must Guard Finances to Extend ‘Care Preferences’ Longer

In my numerous years in long-term care I have witnessed several battles between siblings over a parent’s money.  Yes I have even encountered those who were more focused on what could be saved for their inheritance than on what could be spent to keep mom and/or dad happy in their final years.  I have even […]

Care Providers Should Work Not to be ‘Hit and Run’ Artists

More than you might think, lots of care is paid from from the pockets of the recipients. With strict financial requirements for Medicaid qualification and numerous services not directly Medicare reimbursed, including adult day care and around-the-clock private duty care in a person’s home, many opt to pay for what they want and need. This […]

The Things Care Providers Can Learn from Bar Rescue

It happens to be a television reality show I had never heard of which is unfortunate considering it had its debut in 2011. Oh well we cannot be expected to keep up with every aspect of pop culture. Its called Bar Rescue and its a concept that has quite a bit of depth. A gentleman […]

Smaller Group Home Operations Can be Both Profitable and Meaningful; if…

Spending the morning with the operator of a SE Michigan group home was indeed a rewarding experience. I know this runs contrary to what some believe or have heard about group home operations but this small, assisted living program is indeed the exception. How so? First it serves the medically fragile elderly including at least […]

Tough Love Not Always Optional

No sane person sits around anxiously awaiting the day when they have to make decisions that restrict our parents and their daily routines. We grow up observing and learning from our parents’ decisions and independence. However, more often than we care to confess that time comes when failing memory or other declining aspects of their […]

A Conglomerate Thinking Process Requires Conglomerate Quality Control

As is the case with any business led by real entrepreneurs, small-scale assisted living providers are often growth oriented. This includes those who may have spent decades in adult foster care in the State of Michigan, or operators of community residential group homes in the State of Florida or elsewhere. Often the urge to grow […]

For Smaller Programs You Must Define Clinical Quality

Small-scale assisted living programs have meaning. Some may have the designation adult foster care and others community residential group homes. Traditionally since around 1968 many of these have served the de-institutionalized mentally ill and developmentally disabled. Today we have tons of them serving the medically fragile elderly including those with dementia and the younger catastrophically […]

4 Major Sucess Essentials in Business Life

Everyday the routine continues, and hopefully for most that routine is enjoyable and fulfilling. After all if we are not enjoying work and family life can become pretty humdrum. Some get frustrated, questioning why things may or may not be moving as steadily as they would like. The concern is understandable but there are things […]

Respect and Humility can Combine into Real Business Assets

The assisted living residence is informed that Ms. Jones will be moving to a new facility. Attorney John Doe is informed his client will be taking their case to a different firm. In both cases the previous provider of services will suffer a financial loss, even if minor. Both take the same approach and either […]