Security Matters in Child Care Centers


When my daughter’s school was remodeled last year and the work included more restrictive access through the front door I was thrilled.  Children deserve the highest of safety measures in school and whomever made a checklist of what the building needed that included this modification did a smart thing.

Actually every business needs to make a list of everything that could occur in the business that could impact liability and safety.  Among those items will be the overall safety of the business from the management of employee behavior to the physical structure.


Child care centers are no different in this equation.  Recently I was reminded of an event in Michigan from several years ago where a disgruntled father stomped his daughter in a child day care center as a result of discord between him and the child’s mother.  The young girl died.  Surely these experiences make us think about security.

Of interest is the reality that security in child care extends beyond having the best front door and closed circuit television.  This process impacts everything from intake assessments to understanding a family’s dynamic at enrollment.


Creating the most secure environment is a must for those caring for children, our most vulnerable citizens.  This is discussed in a variety of the courses in the online school managed by Child Care Training & Resource Center, Inc.

At the end of the day what is it that really matters?  What matters is having a proprietor of child care who – whether a day care or child group home environment –  puts safety over money and everything else.

And when we can find tips in continuing education products we have to purchase anyway, well all the better.

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